After the Declaration

This week’s prompt from LisaJo is After. Five minutes, no editing, just writing.

Five Minute Friday

I’ve been spending a lot of time lately thinking, meditating, praying.

Talking to this One I address as Lord, about all the things I declare about Him…to Him.

Do I really believe this? Is this true? What are my core values?

And I’ve found myself without hesitation and with emphatic passion replying, declaring, nigh to shouting yes! I believe; it is true; I can see it here and here and here in my life.

Over and over this week I’ve listened to a song. I’ve hummed it as I’m changing a diaper. I’ve pondered it word by word as I walk with my children. I’ve sung it out loud and off key when I think no one else is listening.

The refrain repeating over and over again declares:

Whatever comes my way, I will trust You.

Again and again.

With this new refrain taking root once again deep in the core of my heart something has begun to happen…

The medical test? It came back positive.

That family member we love so dearly? How about a painful illness.

That friend over there? Their child is sick. That child over there breathes a life hanging in the balance.

Its as if the forces of this world are calling my bluff. Taunting. Really?



comes your way? Will you really trust?
My response: what choice do I have? When it has been proven time and again that He is trustworthy, good, true to His promises even if it comes about in a manner in which I would not have chosen. He does not cause the tragedy; yet if I allow it, He can use to draw me closer to Himself. Knowing Him better; having more strength to walk through the dark times.

Would I prefer this walk of faith to be all rainbows and chocolate? Absolutely! But this life is what it is. We are promised trouble in this world.

I just didn’t expect the trouble to appear so soon after the declaration.

Comments 4

  1. It’s so true…God is always faithful, even in the midst of trial. And He loves to prove Himself faithful through that hard time. It’s through the valleys that we get to know Him so intimately. Praying for you friend. Found you through the 5 minute Friday linkup!

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