Alone in the world and haunted by tragedy, Saoirse Fagan finds a new start at a sheep farm in the wild hills of Dunlewey, Ireland. But master tweed weaver Owen McCready isn't used to accepting help from outsiders--even one as strangely magnetic as this young woman.
Releasing January 21, 2025
When Saoirse Fagan arrives to start her new job as housemaid at Drumboe Castle, she is dismayed to learn that the lord of the house passed away a week prior. Already running away from the tragedy that claimed the lives of her family members, Saoirse wanders the road with nowhere to go until Aileen McCready offers her a lift and possibly a place to stay for the night.
Sheep farmer and weaver Owen McCready is known for his intricate and impeccably woven tweed. But when he’s injured in an attack by bandits, his entire livelihood is endangered. A new–and distracting–mouth to feed adds fuel to the fire, and Owen struggles to keep his family afloat. Though Saoirse is eager to help, even offering to learn the weaving craft, Owen is hesitant to accept aid from this strange young woman, no matter how inexplicably magnetic he finds her.
But Saoirse is not one to give up easily. It may take extra effort on her part, but she’s determined to convince the McCreadys that they need her–perhaps as much as she needs them.