Choosing to Wonder

Thick fog rolls in from the Irish Sea. A tangible, visible manifestation of the fog encroaching around my heart. Threatening to snuff out the light and life; muffling the sounds without and within. I look out from the precipice…the vast expanse at my feet. I see… Nothing. Stress. Fatigue. Frustration. Confusion. Heartache. Its so easy to wonder why. Why is this …

To Stay

My hands embrace the steaming cup. Liquid comfort in the form of a hot cup of tea mixed to perfection. Outside it rains, without raining. The air is visible. Tangible. A fine mist hangs suspended; covering all who would venture into her midst. Steam rises in front of me and I stay. Soon the fire will crackle in the iron …


Before the foundations of the earth, I knew you… You are fearfully and wonderfully made… I know the plans I have for you. Plans to prosper you, not to harm you; to give you a future and a hope… These are my roots. They anchor me in the muck and mire of this world. Of this life of striving and …

“My” Voice

Find your voice, they say. Tell your story, they say. Your words have power; your story gives hope. The truth? The truth is I don’t want to find my voice. My words are empty and my story is hopeless. My voice says the same thing – Look at me. Hear me! Me, me, me. This is hard and I’m always …

Where You See Me

Curled in a ball under the duvet. Eyes clenched tight. So tight the tears pooling inside can’t escape. I rock and clench and hum and pretend. Pretend that the whole world is here inside this coccoon of warmth I’ve made for myself here is my bed. In the dark. Muted sounds muffle their way through the layers of protection. This …

The Race of My Heart

I nun-ing, Ma-ma….I na fass-iss! “You are the fastest! Go!!” I watch you run as fast as your pudgy little feet will take you, full cheeks bouncing in ecstasy at the freedom you have to just run; jump; be. You climb on the chairs, color a picture, stacks blocks, and “read” books. Oh, the books. I have them all memorized …

It’s Yours

I have this dream. You gave it to me. I hold it here in my hands; close to my heart. This dream I used to carry buried deep in my soul I now clench tightly outside myself; willing it to fruition. The others…they come around me, reaching, grabbing. Trying to snatch it away from me. They think they can tend …

Wide-Angled View

The theme for Five Minute Friday this week is: WIDE Five minutes, no stopping, no editing. Just. Writing. Start The cage of overcast, heavy clouds has lifted. The blinders of fog and mist removed. The sun shines out the brighter, and all things seem new. The world is glorious. A cotton-ball sky extends overhead, a brilliant azure blanket covering a …

The Focus Effect

START Arms tremble, muscles burn as I lower my torso to the mat and slowly, shakily press back up. The foam fitness mat upon which countless others have sweated blurs before my eyes as the familiar sting of tears invades the privacy of a moment meant only for myself and my breath. I continue on in this mindless pattern; lowering, …