The Closest Thing

I can see her now. Sitting in front of her computer, shaking her head as she reads along. She’s not going to agree with me, but I’m okay with that.

I can see her in my mind. The image a mere shadow of the past, and yet every bit as vivid and tender as a Degas painting: in the chair of golden tapestry; the one with the stain on the headrest. Bathed in the light of a small lamp, eyes closed. Bible, pages dog-eared from years of daily use, markings filling the margins and underlining verse upon verse, open on her lap. I stand there in the dark of the hall. I feel as though I’m intruding upon an intimate conversation. Her face is peaceful, hands folded upon her lap. She is with Him. She’s been up awhile long.time.

I can see her in the kitchen, dressed, towel wrapped hair putting together breakfast. English muffin and tea for her. Cereal for me and my brother. She moves quickly, but the peace remains.

I can see her in her office. At her desk. Working diligently. Serving a man with more class than you’d find in a full arena.

She gets up while it is still dark. She goes to bed long after the sun. She serves her family. She loves her husband. She spends time daily with her Lord. She speaks of Him. To Him all day.

She who graduated college the same year I graduated high school – decades after she first began.

She teaches. She teaches and loves and is tangible Jesus to a school full of children who desperately need to know they matter. She teaches half notes and rests and recorders and theory. And yet they learn compassion. Forgiveness. Integrity. Love.

She loves. Her family. She remembers things said in passing; and acts upon it. She knows the favorites of each one of her beloved brood. She invests time, money and heart to make sure those she loves most know it; see it; feel it. In word. Deed. Attitude.

She. This one. She is the closest thing to the Proverbs 31 woman I’ve ever seen; met; known.

She is my mother. I can only pray that one day my children hold me in half as high regard as I hold her. Her children truly rise up and call her blessed. And we are blessed all the more for having had the privilege of being molded and nurtured by her hand, at her side.

Happy Birthday, Mom. I love you.

Note: Mom’s birthday is tomorrow, March 3, but I just had to post this now. 🙂

I’m linking up with The Better Mom, Time Warp Wife, Growing Home, Some Girl’s Website

Comments 21

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  1. What a beautiful birthday tribute to your mother. What an extraordinary mom. You and your family are blessed. I hope your mom has a wonderful birthday!

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  2. Oh my sweetness! This post was a beautiful birthday celebration of your mom. Seems to me she may he humble and may try to shake her head at what you wrote about her but she cannot deny she raised a wonderful, loving daughter. How very amazing!!
    Hope your mom has a wonderful birthday!!

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  3. Wow, we lost our mom a few months ago and this really hit home. You are such a beautiful writer and I can almost feel like I knew your mom. I found your entry when looking at my cousin Maridee’s Facebook page. Thanks for the time to sit and remember my mom today.

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      Beverly, thank you so much for your sweet words! I’m so sorry for your loss. I’m glad my,words were able to bring you some sweet time of remembering today.

      Maridee?? Is she from Phx? My mom’s best friend in high school was named Maridee, and you don’t hear that name very often!

  4. Jennifer, you are a beautiful writer and your words touched me yesterday. Not only because I could totally visualize your mom, my friend, but I remembered my mom too.
    Yes Beverly is my 1st cousin and I shared your writing on my Facebook so those who knew Bonnie could read it too. Beverly saw it and I know your words touched her like they touched me. Thank you for taking the time to put onto paper such a beautiful tribute to an amazing woman. Maridee Miller Brown

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  5. That just about made me cry! If I fulfill my role as mother in such a way that my children describe me as you just did your own mom, I will be delighted! Happy birthday to your lovely mother! {by the way, March 3 is my second-born son’s birthday…he’s 13!}

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