It has taken a long time for me to feel comfortable talking about my struggles with anxiety publicly. Who am I kidding, I’m still not comfortable with it, but I believe that what God has taught me and used to encourage me in my journey may just be exactly what you need to hear in this moment. So I am being faithful to share more.
There’s been no diagnosis, no medication. But anxiety has struck nonetheless.
Today, I’m over at The Better Mom talking about a time when panic set in at the most unexpected and inopportune time; and how God is using that experience to let me experience grace in a more tangible way, and hopefully be an encouragement to others.
So, if you struggle with anxiety, or know someone who does, won’t you join me at The Better Mom today?
If you’ve just clicked over from The Better Mom, I just want to say how much I love having you here and sharing this space – and my heart – with you. It is my prayer that you at home here and leave feeling uplifted, encouraged and/or challenged to stretch your faith in some way today. Welcome!