A Christ-Centered Christmas {Link-Up Party}

Thank you so much for joining us for A Christ-Centered Christmas! As we all know, it is growing increasingly more difficult to enjoy and celebrate a truly Christ-Centered Christmas with each passing year. Commercialism, Materialism, and Consumerism reign supreme and if you’re like me, it is easy to get blinded by the bling. That is why I, and my friends, have decided to host this link up. We wanted to share simple and fun ways that we keep Christ the center of our Christmas celebrations to encourage you as you seek to celebrate a Christ-Centered Christmas! You will find my post on Sharing Love by Sharing Goodies below, as well as links to the four other hostesses. You don’t want to miss out on what they have to say! So be sure to stop by The Humbled Homemaker, Through My Lense, Mama Java, The French Bird and The Encouraging Home and check out the great ideas, tips and resources!

However, we know we are far from having all the answers, so we want to hear from you! Be sure to link up any posts you have about how you celebrate A Christ-Centered Christmas! If you link up, be sure to grab the button from the sidebar to display on your blog! Thanks so much for joining us, and we hope you and your’s have a very Merry Christmas!

Sharing Love by Sharing Goodies

I absolutely love Christmas. It is by far my favorite holiday. I love the songs, smells, traditions. I love the cold weather, warm drinks, and crazy funky handmade ornaments that adorn our tree. I love seeing the wonder in my children’s eyes and feeling it in my own heart, even after all these years. Hubs and I long to instill in our children the true meaning of Christmas. To teach them that while its fun to wrap and open gifts, hang stockings, and glue cotton balls to construction paper to make Santa’s beard, it’s all meaningless and empty without the miracle that began it all.

As a person of faith who loves and follows hard after Jesus, my life is drastically and miraculously affected by the events celebrated during Christmas and Easter. You cannot have one without the other, and had He not so graciously come to earth in the form of a human babe, my life would look quite different. Even typing it as a hypothetical makes me shudder. So, we are always looking for and trying fun ways to celebrate Christmas in a way that places Jesus in the proper place: smack dab in the center.

One of the ways we do this is by sharing goodies love with our neighbors. We have an amazing family recipe for fudge. I’m serious. I’ve never tasted anything like it. If silk were edible and had a baby with the deepest, richest chocolate on earth it would be this fudge. Sadly the recipe is top secret so I cannot share it with you. However, how can I not share the fudge itself with those I care for? No one (unless allergic, of course) should be denied this pleasure.

So we began the tradition of making fudge for every house on our road. Granted, we only knew 3 of our neighbors really at all when we started this. So, one hope was that it would give us a chance to meet or get to know better some of our other neighbors. It also gave them a chance to meet us and get a taste (no pun intended) of our culture and traditions. But mainly, our hope is that by sharing something as small as a homemade goody we are sharing a tangible extension of God’s love.  This whole process teaches our children (and ourselves!) a few things:

* You don’t have to know someone to love them with God’s love.
* Generosity; sharing something you enjoy and could easily keep to yourself.
* Caring for others and being willing to take the first step towards friendship.
* Learning skills in the kitchen (or art arena, or whatever type of thing your family enjoys making/doing together).

I’m sure there are many other lessons we have and will glean from our little tradition of trekking our road every year with goodies in hand and love in our hearts. Don’t cook or bake? No problem! You can make cards, simple ornaments, or even just write out a nice note on a store bought Christmas card. The idea is to let the love of God that is given so freely and lavishly to us to spill over to those He’s placed around us in our everyday lives. And to take every chance given to us to be His hands and feet and be a tangible representation of His love.

There are a few things an activity like this are not:

*It is NOT a way to “‘make a sale”, hoping a quick one time conversation with someone will “win” them to Christ.
* It is NOT a way to improve your own standing in the eyes of your neighbors.
* It is NOT a way to check off some list. (ex.  “I’ve done my Christian duty.”)

Let’s allow His love to well up in us so much that It can’t help but overflow and touch those around us with thoughtfulness, compassion and sharing. And let’s get our kids in on the fun!

What kinds of things does your family do to be tangible expressions of love to those He’s placed in your path?

Now it’s your turn to share! Link up your post about Christ-Centered Christmas using the linky below!

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I’ve linked up with

Momma Made It Look Easy
Growing Home

Comments 12

  1. I have a mini loaf pan that will bake many loaves of bread this season that will go to neighbors and friends with messages of love and encouragement from God’s word. And all are bathed in prayer as they are prepared. As well as this Sunday we turn in our shoe boxes for Operation Christmas child, each of my boys helps with a box for a little boy their age. As well as our Advent candles, devotionals and activities during December. We also have a variety of children’s Christmas books we read through and discuss the real meaning behind Christmas. Gifts are purchased before Thanksgiving so that December can be spent focusing on giving and serving others and not ourselves and what we receive.

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  2. What a great idea! And I love the nots, especially the ,not a way to check off some list”. When I taught the youth group, I would always remind them that most people can see through that kind of attitude. And even if they can’t, God can.

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      Yes! I know I hate when I know someone is talking to me just so they can try to sell me something or get me to do something, or because they have to. So, why would I expect other people to be any different?

  3. Pingback: 11 Ways to Celebrate Christ this Christmas | Keeper of the Home

  4. My daughter turned two in October so lately I started talking about Christmas with her. My husband’s family are not christians and I wanted to get the message across about Jesus before the ‘presents and food’ message is made priority.
    Since she’s been all about birthdays since hers in October we talk a lot about how Christmas is Jesus’ birthday and how we give people presents to remember his birthday.
    I’m hoping that this introduction to Christmas at her level will be a good way to teach her, and maybe even some of that message will rub off on nan and grandad too 🙂

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  5. Pingback: Manger Mondays: Advent Link Up Week 3 « thisgalsjourney

  6. Pingback: 11 Ways to Celebrate Christ This Christmas | Our Voices Magazine Content

  7. Pingback: Christmas Books I Recommend (and some FREEBIES & a GIVEAWAY!) - The Humbled Homemaker

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