Nothing to Say {Guest Posting at The Better Mom}

I hope you had a truly magical Christmas celebrating with family and friends! Although I love this time of year, I have become keenly aware that hard times and difficult issues don’t take a holiday. My daughters, in particular my six year old, are asking some really tough questions. If God sees the kids who have no food or clothes …

Teach Them A Lesson

This week has been tough. My emotions are running just below the surface and range from unspeakable gratitude to nigh unspeakable sorrow. Christmas here is always a bittersweet time for our family, since we are home and yet away from home. We are soaking up the time together, reveling in the joy that comes from reflecting upon the miracle and …

The Magic of Christmas

Eyes sparkle with anticipation held wide so as not to miss a thing during a blink. Voices chatter constantly, pointing out this and that, here and there. Every bulb a delight, every twinkle a miracle. Cheeks ever rosy, noses frosty and red. Fingers tucked safely away inside mittens fidget and dance in anticipation. Marshmallows dance delicately in warm, smooth chocolate. …

Truth in the Tinsel {Review}

I can’t tell you how excited I am about this review! I have been wanting to incorporate some Advent traditions/activities/conversations into our family’s Christmas celebrations for awhile now. Last year I tried a set of devotionals a friend gave me. The ideas and everything presented in it were great and sound and based in Scripture (which is the most important …