When JOY Seems Lost

Lights twinkle white and rainbow in windows, on trees, stores and street lights, and one words seems to be on everyone’s lips. We sing songs about it, pose our kids with cardboard letters of it, and plaster smiles on our faces as we spread Christmas cheer near and far. JOY Yet, maybe it all feels lost on you this year? …

Teach Them A Lesson

This week has been tough. My emotions are running just below the surface and range from unspeakable gratitude to nigh unspeakable sorrow. Christmas here is always a bittersweet time for our family, since we are home and yet away from home. We are soaking up the time together, reveling in the joy that comes from reflecting upon the miracle and …

Feed Your Soul

I want to remember today. I want to circle it in red on my calendar. Program it into my phone. Set a reminder in my heart. Today. Is a good day. My soul has been fed. And perhaps not in the way you might expect. You see, I discovered a few years ago that I have a deep need for …

Unbridled Joy

We live in a small village in western Ireland – a small village. So small, in fact, that if you blink while driving through it you’ll miss it. We have a small grocery store, an elementary school, a secondary school, some small factories tucked away behind houses, a church and two pubs. That’s it. Whenever we need to shop for …