Vienna, Personified

Someone once said that Paris is a woman, London is a man, and New York City is a transvestite. Granted, I haven’t been to New York outside the airport, but after my visits to Paris and London, I must say I find that statement to be shockingly true. It always amazes – and delights – me how each major European …

And Even if He Doesn’t…

I stand at the sink, sleeves rolled, heart heavy. I dunk the plate into the bowl of as-hot-as-I-can-stand-it soapy water because the pipes have been backed up since Wednesday and the plumber doesn’t come until Monday but I need to do something. The suds swirl and cover the dish and I scrub and I pray. Please, God. The liar whispers, …

Just Do It?

Wow, friends… It has been a heckuva year and a half, ain’t it?? When I wrote this post back in February 2013, I had absolutely no idea what the future held for our family. But, basically, that post means this blog has been essentially dormant for the better part of two years. I’ve had my monthly posts over at The …

7 Ways Learning a Language is Like Being the Parent of a Newborn

We are currently in the middle of learning our third language (not counting the snippets of Spanish and American Sign Language we both picked up growing up). As I’m going through this process again, it struck me once again how humbling it is to start learning to communicate from scratch. A friend recently asked me what language learning is like. …

A Little Bit of My Story

Have you ever wondered how in the world my family and I ended up halfway around the world from home? Do you ever wonder why I started writing? Well today, dear friend, you’re in luck because all your questions will be answered! Well, maybe not all, but I’m telling a little bit of my story over at The Better Mom. …

The Prayer of a Tired Mama

The house is still dark now, Lord. The quiet…oh, the blessed quiet. The only sounds as I whisper this prayer to You in my heart are that of the ticking Cuckoo clock in the hall, and the deep, steady breathing of the ones I love most slumbering deep in their beds. I’m torn, though, Lord. Torn between getting up, sneaking …