The Woman on the Corner

I see her sitting there everyday. Rain, shine, snow, wind, she’s there. Her skin is dark, weathered, worn. Wisps of black-grey hair peek out from underneath her near thread-bare scarf, her long skirts gathered around her legs as she sits criss cross on the sidewalk under the tree. That big tree that leafs large in the summer, rains gold in …

And Even if He Doesn’t…

I stand at the sink, sleeves rolled, heart heavy. I dunk the plate into the bowl of as-hot-as-I-can-stand-it soapy water because the pipes have been backed up since Wednesday and the plumber doesn’t come until Monday but I need to do something. The suds swirl and cover the dish and I scrub and I pray. Please, God. The liar whispers, …

What If Wednesday – Week #2

Good Wednesday to you all! I hope the past week has found you blessed and walking through life with eyes wide open, seeing where He is working. My What If’s this week: I don’t have a whole lot to write about this week. I took more treats to the teachers (I’m aiming for every other Monday). But my heart is …

What If Wednesday

I’ve been thinking about What If stuff all week. Praying, pondering, watching to see where God seems to be working and to step in and join Him. I’ve also been thinking about you. Wondering what He is showing you. Who He is bringing across your path. How are you faring letting go of the fear/pride/worry/insert-emotion-holding-you-back-here. I did take those treats …

What If…

If you’ve spent any time here poking around through past posts, you’ve likely seen me write about faith, joy, depression, community, fear and how going it alone not only stinks, it’s not the way things were meant to be. (side note: I really, really wanted to put a comma after “fear”, but I’m told we no longer put commas between …