What If Wednesday

Image by MinhQuahn_0810

I’ve been thinking about What If stuff all week. Praying, pondering, watching to see where God seems to be working and to step in and join Him.

I’ve also been thinking about you. Wondering what He is showing you. Who He is bringing across your path. How are you faring letting go of the fear/pride/worry/insert-emotion-holding-you-back-here.

I did take those treats down to the teachers’ room at my kids’ school, and they were greatly appreciated. I still am getting people coming up to thank me – a third or fourth time. I don’t think that’s because the zucchini bread was so good. I think it’s because they work so dadgum hard, and it’s truly a thankless job. I’m hoping to take something down to them every other week or so. My preference would be to do it anonymously, but at our school that’s just not an option. But, it was super fun because my girls got involved, they got excited about it and couldn’t wait to see how the teachers liked it. Please, Lord, let my kids grow up to be more What If active than me!

I’ve also been doing a lot of reflection on places in my life I might need to scale back, say no, or jump in with both feet. Who do I cross paths with everyday who would benefit from some no-strings-attached-Love. And God smacked me upside the head with one word: home. Not that I need to stay at home twenty-four-seven. But that I seem to be able/willing to expend so much energy thinking and praying how I can What If the world in love, and yet not be able to fix breakfast for my family with out grumping or sulking. So, along with loving those He whispers into my ear out and about in the big, bad world, I’m going be more intentional at recognizing the myriad of What If moments that I meet face to face every.single.day. at home, in my marriage, and my parenting. (in the interest of honesty, I feel I should tell you that as I finished typing that last sentence, I snapped at my daughter for not figuring out how to rinse soap out of her eyes. Lord, help me!!)

Finally, I read a blog this week that is the essence of What If. Erin over at The Humbled Homemaker shares a heart-wrenching story of her struggle with What If. It’s beautiful, haunting and painful. You may want a tissue or two.

So, what about you? Where did God lead you this week? Did you act upon any What Ifs? Did someone What If you? Tell us about it in the comments. If you wrote a blog post about your experience, leave a link in the comments. I’m still contemplating using a Linky, but as the idea here is to facilitate conversation, I thought using the comment section would be more conducive to that.

Comments 3

  1. Congrats on taking the treats by to the teachers! And thanks for the honesty about serving on the home front with just as much attention and devotion. I have had to post less on my own blog for the last few weeks for that reason, and it helps to hear a reminder of how valuable my time and efforts are with my own family.

    Wanted you to know I did my first What-if. 🙂 I have been going through a new season of change and growth with my almost 12- and 15-year-olds. Although there are days when I feel like a complete beginner, God has also granted me some real ah-ha, connect-the-dots sorts of moments lately. With that in mind, I have been thinking about offering a workshop for my local homeschool group on discovering your children’s spiritual gifts, but the doubts crept in. After reading the first What-if post, I prayed a lot about my list, and the workshop was right at the top. I decided it was time to move ahead and did so with complete peace that no matter what happens, it is about God’s glory, not my performance. So far, I have nine moms signed up, and I am so excited to be able to share and encourage them in their journey. Thank you for the inspiration to push myself and use my own gifts for God’s glory today, without fear of judgement. I will let you know how the workshops go!

    Next on my What-if list is finally saying something to the ill mother of a dear friend. Her mom just moved in with them because she was diagnosed with Alzheimer’s disease. She is still lucid enough to know what is happening and to grieve this loss, but every time I go over, I chat as if she’s there for a vacation visit. The truth is I just don’t know what to say, but I don’t want to miss the chance to let her know I care and am praying. She is not a Christian, which makes me feel even more hesitant. I would appreciate prayers for courage in Christ, that I would really lean into the Spirit’s guidance and timing about what to say, instead of hesitating again.

    Thanks for asking and for What-if Wednesdays!


    1. Post

      Oh, Spring, I am so excited for how God is leading you, and how you are trusting Him! I will be praying for your workshop, that His hand will be on you, and His voice the one that is heard.

      For the mother, yes, speak to her!! It’s these types of instances that are so Rey scary – don’t know what to say, don’t want to offend, etc – that in my own experiences are the ones most desperately needed. Just keep seeking God for the words, and when you speak, rely in Him. Keep His purpose forefront in your mind and you can’t go wrong.

      I’ve found people in circumstances like that, no matter what they believe, willingly accept prayer and are not threatened by it in the least. It’s hard not to respond to True Love when it is offered in such a powerful, intimate way. I’ll be praying for you, and for her and her family. Keep us posted in how it all goes, and how we can continue to pray!

      Thank you for sharing so openly! I’m excited to hear more!

  2. Pingback: What If Wednesday – Week #2 « thisgalsjourney

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