What If…

If you’ve spent any time here poking around through past posts, you’ve likely seen me write about faith, joy, depression, community, fear and how going it alone not only stinks, it’s not the way things were meant to be. (side note: I really, really wanted to put a comma after “fear”, but I’m told we no longer put commas between …

Manic Monday: 5 “Deceptively” Delicious Ways to get Your Kids to Eat Healthy {Guest Post}

I’m thrilled to have Erin from The Humbled Homemaker back again to share some of her tips, tricks and hints to make the week run more smoothly! If you’ve not checked out her blog, be sure to hop over there after you read these great nuggets for helping your kids eat healthy! Do you ever have a hard time getting …

Manic Monday – Menu

When we lived in the States, and thereby lived by the American clock/calendar, I made a weekly menu plan. I planned what meal we would have on what night, and keep a running list of the ingredients needed for those meals to organize my weekly shop. I would shop once a week, and that was it. It worked great! I …