Fall, In Love

An endless path stretches before us, blanketed in a golden carpet of crisp, fall beauty.

They run ahead, those three little ones of ours, without a care in the world. Laughter and squeals trail behind them on the air.

Beneath our feet the leaves await us – they’ve placed themselves just so, just for us, you know. They sing out their divine song as we stroll among the autumnal glory that is this day.

Your hand finds mine. Your strong, strong hand; masculine and rough from a lifetime work. That hand commanding strength enough to move the immovable yet tender enough to brush the hair from my face.

Fingers entwine, skin to skin. My stride matches yours and we stroll together towards the sunset. I catch your eye and in that briefest of moments we smile.

We smile because we know.

We know that this – right here, right now – is all that matters. The most important things are within this scope, in this moment. Laced between our fingers, hanging in the air around us with the laughter of our children on the whisper of an autumn breeze; its in the canopy of gold, orange, green and blue, and running with the ripples of the river beneath our walk.

It envelopes us, before and behind, right and left without beginning, without end. Love draws us together; seals our family with a mortar that shall remain unbroken.

Without a word your heart speaks volumes to mine as we pause.

We pause because we know.

We know that this – right here, right now – is the only this we have. This moment will last forever; and it will vanish in an instant. This now, this day, this carpet of gold frames the image forever emblazoned on my soul. So we stroll, and stoop, and watch and laugh. We hide these things away in the deepest corner of our hearts – that place reserved for the most sacred keepsakes.

For this day, this hour, this moment buried within the eternity and forevermore of this lifetime together – is our life. This is our love. This is my heart. And this is why I absolutely adore fall…in love.

I’ve linked up with Women Living Well, To Love, Honor, and Vacuum, Intentional Me

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