More Than a Father

Tea parties, the prince dancing with the princess.

Snuggles in the covers, chasing away monsters and remnants of bad dreams.

Giggles over silly names, and laughing till you cry.

Prayers for tender hearts, and soothing words for a tired mama.

Roller coasters, jumping too high, splashing too much.

You bring stability, honesty, and strength into their lives.

You also bring adventure, laughter, and exploration.

Whether a fairy forest, a rocky beach terrain or an as-yet-unexplored-by-us aisle at the supermarket, your heart for adventure and discovery fuels their imaginations.

You possess a strength so intense, yet wielded so gracefully they would never think to fear it.

In your hands they find comfort, support, protection…and tickles.

Your knees bow in prayer for their little hearts and minds then immediately become the horsey careening around the house.

The energy you bring to this house is tangible. Not just the physical energy to play, run, plant the garden. But an emotional energy that grounds this family. And we feel it when you are gone.

We could never hope to celebrate you fully enough to express how grateful we are that God placed you at the head of our family. And we could never shower you with gifts enough to show the depth of our love and appreciation for who you are and all you do.

You are my husband, the love of my life. And you are more than their Father. You are their Daddy. And that makes all the difference in the world.

Happy Father’s Day.

I’m linking up with The Better Mom, Time Warp Wife, Growing Home, Denise in Bloom

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