Pregnant With Hope

We live in a dark world. A dark world full of dark people capable of unthinkable evil. And hope, like a newly conceived baby, is fragile and can be easily trampled by the realities we face everyday in our neighborhoods, cities and on the television.

It’s easy to let the darkness reign and fill in the cracks where faith can’t provide a tidy answer or wrap life up into a pretty little object lesson with a perfectly packaged solution at the end of the puzzle. Hope gets buried among the grief, disgust and confusion of it all.

What Little League Taught Me About Faith

A soft breeze, warm with the heat of an Arizona October, brushes my face. The scent of stale popcorn, bubble gum, and dust hangs in the air. I squint against the bright sunlight and scan the field. Ah! There he is. My 6-year-old-the-size-of-a-9-year-old has assumed the ready position way out in left field. Again. Never mind the pitcher hasn’t even …

FREE for My Email Subscribers!

Something new here at This Gal’s Journey since we re-launched is I now have an email subscription! Once every couple of weeks, I send out an email with the latest from the blog, my favorite things from around the web, and more! I promise, it’s not spammy at all! And now, for my amazingly awesome subscribers, I have a shiny …