Stepping Into the Fire

The Christian life is often one lived in the tension between promises given and promises fulfilled. We find ourselves, perhaps more than we care to admit, in circumstances which frighten and threaten to shake our faith. I’m delighted and honored to be sharing over at (in)courage today, talking about that tension. About how sometimes we have to step into the fire …

On Roots, Rootlessness, and Faith

Our family is embarking on a new adventure. After over a journey of over ten years of overseas life, we are daring to believe we can start over. This time, we’re starting over right here in the United States! What are we doing? We don’t know. We just know, we sensed the Lord closing the doors to our overseas life. …

Christmas in America (or How Silent Night Makes me Cry)

You know, it’s funny, this expat life. So much time spent longing for things and people in far off places. And never is that longing so palpable than Christmastime. When overseas, the heart yearns for family, familiarity and the Tim-the-Toolman-Taylor-esque light displays. You go to great lengths (and financial cost) to procure the specialty import items – like canned pumpkin and chocolate …

When You Long for Home

I’m standing in the heart of the city, trains whirring past. Dogs barking. A hundred languages mingle in the chilled, pre-spring air. I’m in the middle of a vibrant, metropolitan city but my heart is a million miles away. It roams far green fields, sits on rock walls and watches the fog roll in from the ocean. It’s in a …

The Woman on the Corner

I see her sitting there everyday. Rain, shine, snow, wind, she’s there. Her skin is dark, weathered, worn. Wisps of black-grey hair peek out from underneath her near thread-bare scarf, her long skirts gathered around her legs as she sits criss cross on the sidewalk under the tree. That big tree that leafs large in the summer, rains gold in …

And Even if He Doesn’t…

I stand at the sink, sleeves rolled, heart heavy. I dunk the plate into the bowl of as-hot-as-I-can-stand-it soapy water because the pipes have been backed up since Wednesday and the plumber doesn’t come until Monday but I need to do something. The suds swirl and cover the dish and I scrub and I pray. Please, God. The liar whispers, …