To My Pink Princess

5 Years Old

4 Months Old

I look at you today in your checked dress, big pink flower in your hair, lovely, huge smile on your face.

Today, you are 5.

In so many ways it seems as though you have been in our family from the beginning, and yet I can’t believe it’s already been 5 years since you made your grand appearance!

You were born on Friday the 13th of April, 2007. A tornado touched down just a mile away from the hospital. And then it snowed. As you grew, I remember thinking how fitting the weather was for the day you forever blessed our family.

Sisterhood fun

You, my sweet Boo-boo, are intense. Whatever you feel, think or do, you do with everything that is in you. Very seldom is there a middle of the road for you. I love how you love so deeply, think so thoroughly, and trust so fully.

You love to make people smile and laugh. It brings you such joy when something you’ve said or done brings happiness to someone else.

You love to dance and sing. Twirl, sway, and spin – even better if you can do it in a dress that twirls.

You love all things pink and girly.

1 Year old

You love to lose yourself in the imaginary world of princesses and knights, Peter Pan, flying, sword fights and true love. You giggle endlessly when the prince kisses the girl, and say you think its gross, but I can see in your eyes it delights you. I pray that your prince charming finds you one day, and that you share a romance and True Love like no other.

You love God, and you trust Him implicitly for even the seemingly smallest things – like asking Him to give you a rainbow and not being surprised in the least when He says “yes.”

You are a delight, sweet girl, and I am so honored to your mom. I love your snuggles, scratching your back (and tummy, and arms). I love watching you play with your sister and lovingly care for your brother. I love how you love your daddy, and one of my favorite things in the world is to watch you dance on his feet.

It has been an amazing 5 years, sweet princess, and to outline all the moments I’ve stored in my heart to ponder and treasure would take more paper than there is in the world to write on.

I pray that this year finds your heart even more open to God and His love for you.

I pray your year of being 5 is full of joy, fun, growth, and lots and lots of love.

And I pray above all that you will see, and understand, that you truly are a Princess, loved by the King.

I love you, sweet girl!



I’m linking up with The Better Mom

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