When You Long for Home

I’m standing in the heart of the city, trains whirring past. Dogs barking. A hundred languages mingle in the chilled, pre-spring air. I’m in the middle of a vibrant, metropolitan city but my heart is a million miles away. It roams far green fields, sits on rock walls and watches the fog roll in from the ocean. It’s in a …

The Woman on the Corner

I see her sitting there everyday. Rain, shine, snow, wind, she’s there. Her skin is dark, weathered, worn. Wisps of black-grey hair peek out from underneath her near thread-bare scarf, her long skirts gathered around her legs as she sits criss cross on the sidewalk under the tree. That big tree that leafs large in the summer, rains gold in …

And Even if He Doesn’t…

I stand at the sink, sleeves rolled, heart heavy. I dunk the plate into the bowl of as-hot-as-I-can-stand-it soapy water because the pipes have been backed up since Wednesday and the plumber doesn’t come until Monday but I need to do something. The suds swirl and cover the dish and I scrub and I pray. Please, God. The liar whispers, …

When JOY Seems Lost

Lights twinkle white and rainbow in windows, on trees, stores and street lights, and one words seems to be on everyone’s lips. We sing songs about it, pose our kids with cardboard letters of it, and plaster smiles on our faces as we spread Christmas cheer near and far. JOY Yet, maybe it all feels lost on you this year? …

When You Can’t See God in Your Story

Have you ever felt like even though you’re doing all the right things, God seems glaringly absent in your daily life? Does it seem no matter how hard you work, things just don’t seem to get better and the outlook seems bleak? I have so been there, friend. I want to encourage you, though, that God is present and He …

Midnight Holy Ground

Mother presents me daily with a myriad of lessons. However, the most common – and most painful – is the daily hourly lesson of just how extremely selfish I truly am. Motherhood confronts every natural comfort, desire and longing. It stands in direct contrast to what comes easily to me – serving myself. However, every now and then by grace …

New Season, New Peace

Friends, I’m tired. It’s been a crazy year and a long, crazy summer. I’m really looking forward to the quieter season Fall seems to be in my mind (even though I know it is no less full of activity). I’ve felt a deeper sense and need than ever to usher some peace into my home and family in this new …