The Empty Arms of A Mother

Right now my arms are full. Full of pudgy cheeks, dimpled fingers, hair needing brushed, blankies, and sippy cups. Full of lap sitters, bedtime snugglers, and slow-to-wake-uppers. It’s a funny thing, motherhood. Every mother begins her journey with empty arms. Once that precious baby (then the next, and the next) fills up our arms, our entire role as mother is …

The Trial

“Dad just collapsed!” Those words struck such a blow to my heart I nearly forgot the five month baby nursing at my breast. One year ago, my dad collapsed and the world held it’s breath. For a split second my world stood still, the deafening pounding of my heart  the only sound to be heard. The next few days were …

What If Wednesday

I’ve been thinking about What If stuff all week. Praying, pondering, watching to see where God seems to be working and to step in and join Him. I’ve also been thinking about you. Wondering what He is showing you. Who He is bringing across your path. How are you faring letting go of the fear/pride/worry/insert-emotion-holding-you-back-here. I did take those treats …